[teamtreehouse] How the Internet Works

35-minute Digital Literacy Course About this Course Knowing how the technology you use everyday works will make you a more thoughtful and powerful user of technology. In this course we’ll explore how the Internet works, by investigating hardware like routers, switches, and servers and the TCP/IP protocols that define how information moves from computer to […]

[teamtreehouse] How the Web Works

35-minute Digital Literacy Course About this Course In order to surf the world wide web, you need an application called a web browser. You’re probably familiar with this, you might even be learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to program for the web, but have you ever looked into how it works? In this course, we’ll […]

[Laracasts] Testing Vue

Advanced Testing Vue testingvue.com How in the world are we supposed to unit test Vue components? Is it even possible? Why, yes. Yes it is! I’ll show you the full process, step by step. Not only will you learn the necessary tooling, but we’ll also review the ins and outs of testing your client-side code. […]

[teamtreehouse] File Handling with PHP

101-minute PHP Course About this Course PHP can do so much more than include files. In this course we’ll explore reading and writing files from a directory. We’ll also take advantage of built-in parsing functions for working with common file formats to read and write CSV, XML and JSON data. What you’ll learn Reading and […]

[Pluralsight] Building a Site with AngularJS and PHP

“ReleaseDate”: “2015-07-17T00:00:00Z”, “UpdatedDate”: “2015-07-17T00:00:00Z”, “Level”: “Intermediate”, “ShortDescription”: “This course introduces PHP developers to AngularJS, covering both basic steps and advanced steps like custom directives and communicating with a PHP-based service.”, “Description”: “This course introduces PHP developers to AngularJS, the “superheroic MVW framework” from Google. The audience will get a fast-paced introduction to AngularJS, covering all […]

[teamtreehouse] Django REST Framework

182-minute Python Course About this Course You’ve been learning Django and building great things. Suddenly it hits you. How do I take all this data I have and make it available to the world? Look no further than Django Rest Framework (DRF). DRF is a powerful and flexible framework, on top of a framework (Django), […]

[Laracasts] Modern CSS Workflow

Intermediate Modern CSS Workflow The way we construct and think of CSS has changed drastically in the last ten years. In this series, we’ll review key tools in every modern frontender’s belt. This includes everything from the popular BEM methodology, to the wonders of flexbox, to bullet-proof grid frameworks. Size: 407.20M

[teamtreehouse] Django ORM

134-minute Python Course About this Course Django has a very powerful ORM that provides us a huge amount of convenience when building our apps. In this course, we’ll learn about and use many of the methods and tools that Django gives us including ordering results, selecting only certain attributes, excluding results that match a particular […]

[Pluralsight] Building a Site with Angular and PHP

“ReleaseDate”: “2017-12-20T00:00:00Z”, “UpdatedDate”: “2017-12-20T00:00:00Z”, “Level”: “Intermediate”, “ShortDescription”: “PHP is the most widely-used web programming language in the world, and Angular is one of best-known JavaScript frameworks today. This course will teach you to create a Single-Page Application (SPA) with Angular and connect it to a PHP backend.”, “Description”: “Angular is probably the most widely used […]

[teamtreehouse] Django Forms

249-minute Python Course About this Course Django Forms let us quickly create HTML forms and validate information from users and APIs. Django gives us two types of Forms, basic Forms and Model Forms, which turn our Models into Forms. Our learning app needs quizzes, so let’s build them with Forms! What you’ll learn Forms Model […]

[Lynda] User Experience for Web Designers

Author Chris Nodder Released 12/24/2015 A good user experience design will make visitors stay on your site. A bad one will make them go to someone else’s. This class teaches you how to apply simple UX design principles to your site to make it behave in the way that users want and expect. User experience […]

[teamtreehouse] Django Class-based Views

134-minute Python Course About this Course Django view functions are simple and easy to use but sometimes you find yourself repeating a lot of the same work over and over. Luckily, Django also offers a way to create views as classes which can lead to cleaner, more reusable code. Class-based views have a lot of […]

[Laracasts] Modern CSS for Backend Developers

Intermediate Modern CSS for Backend Developers I know too many backend developers who are stifled by one glaring phobia: CSS. How do you construct a layout when nothing lines up? Every browser renders your code differently. Floats constantly break. Nothing works! If you agree, your thinking might be a bit out of date. You’ll be […]

[teamtreehouse] Django Basics

237-minute Python Course About this Course When it comes to Python web frameworks, the elephant (pony?) in the room is Django. Let’s explore this framework and build the prototype of an e-learning site. We’ll look into Django’s admin, ORM, migrations, and template system. In the end, you’ll have a project you can use to explore […]

[teamtreehouse] Design Thinking

55-minute Design Course About this Course Learn the user-centered methods and mindsets that entire businesses are using to improve their product experiences. Throughout this course, we’ll go over how to find the voice of our user, the importance of that voice, and how to create a better experience for our user. What you’ll learn Define […]

[teamtreehouse] Deploying a Spring Application

36-minute workshop with Chris Ramacciotti About this Workshop During this workshop, you’ll learn a few ways to build and deploy your Spring application. Specifically, we’ll cover three scenarios: Deploying with an embedded web server, Deploying to an existing Wildfire (JBoss) web server, and Deploying to Heroku Size: 10.96M

[Lynda] Programming Foundations: Software Quality Assurance

Author Aaron Dolberg Released 8/23/2013 Start incorporating quality into your software development process today. Author Aaron Dolberg demonstrates the different kinds of software testing (from black box to white box) and how to fit each one into your development cycle. Learn how to make sure your team is on the same page when it comes […]

[teamtreehouse] Data Science Basics

182-minute Python Course About this Course This course will follow the basic procedures of conducting data science work, namely selecting and describing data, and munging it into a communicable form. At the end of this course, students will be able to pick a small dataset available online and, using Python language, quickly calculate descriptive statistics […]

[teamtreehouse] Customizing Django Templates

136-minute Python Course About this Course In Django Basics, you learned how to set up the skeleton of a video tutorial library. But for a real-world application, you’d probably want more flexibility and functionality in your websites. Django offers lots of built-in options for using templates to make your site dynamic and flexible, and makes […]

[Laracasts] Let’s Build A Forum with Laravel and TDD

Advanced Let’s Build A Forum with Laravel and TDD A forum is a deceptively complex thing. Sure, it’s made up of threads and replies, but what else might exist as part of a forum? What about profiles, or thread subscriptions, or filtering, or real-time notifications? As it turns out, a forum is the perfect project […]

[teamtreehouse] CSS Transitions and Transforms

185-minute CSS Course About this Course CSS transitions and transforms can create simple animations that enhance user interactions in websites and apps. In this course, you’ll build an interactive image gallery using CSS transitions and transforms. You’ll use transition properties to define durations, delays, and easing functions. Then, you’ll learn how to rotate, scale, and […]

[Pluralsight] Become a Full-stack .NET Developer – Advanced Topics

“ReleaseDate”: “2016-05-25T00:00:00Z”, “UpdatedDate”: “2016-05-25T00:00:00Z”, “Level”: “Intermediate”, “ShortDescription”: “Want to improve your front-end and back-end skills as a .NET developer? This course is for you! In Part 2 of the “Become a Full-stack .NET Developer” series, you’ll cover advanced topics like CRUD operations, object-oriented design, and more.”, “Description”: “If you’re a .NET developer who wants to […]

[teamtreehouse] CSS Layout Basics

169-minute CSS Course About this Course Learn to work with common layout and positioning methods used in web design. In this course, you’ll get hands-on practice with basic CSS layout techniques like display modes and floats. You’ll use your new CSS layout skills to build the layout for a simple web page. Then learn to […]

[teamtreehouse] CSS Grid Layout

111-minute CSS Course About this Course CSS Grid Layout provides a built-in, more efficient way of designing grid-based layouts in the browser. It brings a new set of properties, functions and flexible units that let you control the exact placement and sizing of grid components. What you’ll learn Declaring row and column tracks Setting gutters […]

[Laracasts] Learn Vue 2: Step By Step

Intermediate Learn Vue 2: Step By Step vuecasts.com Vue is easily one of the most exciting additions to the front-end world in many years. With its intuitive API, and the fact that it can be applied to any type of application, it’s no wonder why folks have gravitated to it as much as they have. […]

[teamtreehouse] CSS Basics

469-minute CSS Course About this Course CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a style sheet language that describes the presentation of web pages. Whereas HTML is what forms the structure of a web page, CSS is what we use to style the HTML with colors, backgrounds, font sizes, layout, and more. As you’ll soon learn, CSS […]

[Pluralsight] Become a Full-stack .NET Developer

“ReleaseDate”: “2016-05-25T00:00:00Z”, “UpdatedDate”: “2016-05-25T00:00:00Z”, “Level”: “Beginner”, “ShortDescription”: “Have you always wanted to see how professional, experienced developers build an application from A to Z? This course will show you how. You’ll build a real-world mini social networking application with ASP.NET MVC 5 and Entity Framework 6.”, “Description”: “Hello! Have you ever to learn a systematic […]

[teamtreehouse] Creating and Modifying Database Tables

40-minute Databases Course About this Course Learn how to create and modify your own database tables as we work through a real-life example! We’ll talk about how to choose the right structure for a database and then see how we can implement that structure. Size: 51.23M

[Coursera] Robotics: Aerial Robotics

About this course: How can we create agile micro aerial vehicles that are able to operate autonomously in cluttered indoor and outdoor environments? You will gain an introduction to the mechanics of flight and the design of quadrotor flying robots and will be able to develop dynamic models, derive controllers, and synthesize planners for operating […]

[Laracasts] Learn Laravel Mix

Intermediate Learn Laravel Mix Webpack is the most powerful and flexible asset compilation tool available today. With that power, however, comes a certain level of complexity. That’s where Laravel Mix steps in. Intended for the 80% usecase, Mix wraps around webpack to make most commonly desired build tasks a cinch to activate. In this series, […]